A reference point
for the WEEE sector.

Erion WEEE identifies itself as an authoritative and qualified presence in its dealings with institutions, for trade associations and for all stakeholders on issues concerning the WEEE management system, representing a political/regulatory reference point by developing studies, surveys and research as well as communication, information and awareness raising initiatives.

Collaboration with Institutions

Erion WEEE works proactively and closely with its reference stakeholders and contributes to the implementation of initiatives for the improvement of the EPR systems and the development of the regulatory framework, actively participating in meetings and round tables of associations and companies of the sector, taking into account the different needs and expectations.

In addition, Erion WEEE takes part in communication initiatives with European associations and stakeholders for the promotion of a circular culture and the dissemination of information easily accessible by citizens and consumers.

Erion can count on a dedicated team that constantly works on innovative projects. For us looking to the future also means investing in technological and organizational innovation, including through participation in European research projects in order to identify solutions capable of increasing the performance of the entire system. The sharing of ideas with the various stakeholders by focusing our attention and resources on wide-ranging strategic programmes capable of generating added value represents a priority for the Compliance Scheme.

How to
become a member?

Find out how to become a member of the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility system for the management of WEEE, Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco and Textile Products. A single service for every need.