The Legislative Decree 49/2014 arises from the transposition of Directive 2012/19/EU which, in order to protect the environment and human health, defines the measures and procedures necessary for the improvement, prevention and reduction of the negative impacts deriving from the production of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and associated waste, both from households and businesses.
Related to the Decree there are some Ministerial Decrees which define its implementation aspects. Below are listed the most significant ones for Producers:
The Decree on financial guarantees regulates the ways in which EEE Producers must provide the financial guarantees, applicable only for WEEE from private households, while professional WEEE is not subject to this provision;
Law No. 166 of 14 November 2024 – Conversion into law, with amendments, of the ‘Save Infractions’ Legislative Decree
The Law 166/2024 makes important changes to Legislative Decree 49/2014 in order to support the recovery and valorization of strategic raw materials that can be generated by WEEE recycling, to simplify the collection and storage of WEEE, and to ensure the efficient use of the eco-contribution. In particular, the amendment to Art. 11 of Legislative Decree 49/2014 defines the new simplified modalities for the take-back of WEEE in ‘One to One’ and ‘One to Zero’ modes.
As from 15 August 2018, Legislative Decree 49/2014 has introduces a wider scope of application (open scope) that significantly expands the categories of products subject to the EEE legislation.
Before 15 August 2018, the scope was considered ‘closed’, or limited to specific categories expressly indicated by the legislation.
With the open scope approach, any electrical and electronic equipment, corresponding to the definition given in the Decree, is to be considered subject to the legislation, except for explicit exclusions.
The open scope also introduces a new classification of equipment, according to which products are no longer identified on the basis of their type, but according to size.
Find out how to become a member of the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility system for the management of WEEE, Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco and Textile Products. A single service for every need.
Erion WEEE – Non-profit Producer Responsibility Organization for the management of WEEE – Via A. Scarsellini, 14 – 20161 Milan
VAT/Tax Code/ Milan Registry of Businesses 11409620967